Communicate, collaborate, learn... grow!

Designed to make community messaging, collaboration and content sharing really smooth, Spaces provides a whole set of functionalities to nurture your community and catalyse its growth.

Chat spaces and direct messaging

Collaboration on Spaces happens in spaces — a single place for messaging, articles, questions and files — making people connect and share knowledge that is accesible by anyone at all time.

Crowdsourced knowledge

Eliminate knowledge boundaries. Capture, curate, and grow your community's knowledge to solve the challenges your community has.

Built-in networking tools

Help your members connect and network in a fresh way, discover new opportunities and create meaningful connections.

Featured stories

Join the FundingBox Community

An open, collaborative space where professionals from all over the globe find inspiration, funding opportunities and collaboration.

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Build your community

Spaces is free to use for public and open communities. Work together across unlimited public spaces with a free plan.

Find a community

Connect, chat and discuss with entrepreneurs and funding experts, build your network and get access to funding opportunities